Cactus Needle Acupuncture

Sam Honroth, L.Ac.

"It is said that strange symptoms are as numerous as the spines on a hedgehog" (Lady Tan's Circle of Women, Linda See); or spikes on a cactus, for us desert dwellers. Oftentimes these symptoms can become confusing or overwhelming, especially when they don't go away. 

If you're looking to make sense of your symptoms and feel more balanced, you've come to the right place. I offer holistic acupuncture, body work and natural cosmetic treatments to help you feel and look your most vital and well.

To get in touch with me, you can reach me at (602) 603-4440, or:

Schedule a Treatment in Your Own Home

To learn more about my special interest in helping people manage their hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, check out the 'About Me' and 'My Qualifications' pages.

If you are interested in learning more about receiving acupuncture and other treatments in your own home, have a look at my 'Travel Treatment Services & Pricing'. Otherwise, check out 'Locations & Hours' to visit the clinic I am currently practicing out of in Scottsdale.

Thanks for visiting, and have a lovely day!